Thursday, December 11, 2014

Fitness Trainer – Worth the pain?

Ever wondered what a fitness trainer’s life is like? Most probably, the first thing which comes to our minds is all the sweating and sore pain. But what about the good side? Fitness trainers are healthy, well-kept and hot! Whether it’s Shaun T showing off his six-pack or Jillian Michaels rocking a bikini, they all make us jealous. The word jealous might even be an understatement here! We ask ourselves, how did they get there?
Fitness trainers are living examples of dedication, discipline and self-control. Most of us cannot resist that extra bit of creamer in our coffee or that chocolate fudge which seems to be calling out to us whenever we pass through the bakery’s window display. However, fitness trainers are people who have mastered control over temptations. They recognize the difference between eating healthy for a long-term benefit and unhealthy consumption for a short lasting moment of pleasure.
How can we overlook the benefits of having that amazing body? In a society where people are mostly judged by their appearance, the best looking people always seem to ripe the benefits. Wouldn't you stand a greater chance of a guy asking you out if you looked good? Wouldn't your colleagues and clients show more respect towards you if you looked fit and classy? As unfair as it may sound, the answers are a direct yes.
Coming to the psychological side, who wouldn't feel better about himself when he actually looks great, is in perfect shape and is physically strong? When you push your body to do what the mind says, you don’t only gain physical strength but you develop mental strength as well. You discover the potential you have and this transcends into every aspect of your life.
Fitness trainers also acquire a wealth of satisfaction by transforming people. They push people to recognise their own potential and get these people into the best shapes of their lives. If you have tried Shaun T’s “Insanity” DVD workout, you would more than often hear him shout out “Dig Deeper!” which is also the tagline of the workout. Shaun T pushes you and when you’ll end up doing moves you never thought possible, you’ll thank him for that.
And what about the fame and money that comes along? Being a fitness trainer has become a rather glamorous job in the modern world. There are a number of well-respected professional fitness trainers who have become famous overnight with the release of their DVD workouts. Among the most trending DVD workouts, we get “Insanity” by Shaun T, “Ripped in 30” by Jillian Michaels, “P90X” series by Tony Horton, “21 Day Fix” by Autumn Calabrese and so many more. These trainers have made quite a sum of money from the sales of these DVD workouts alone. Obviously, people pay a fortune to have these people as their own personal trainers.
Only a look at the number of followers these famous fitness trainers have on facebook and instagram will leave most people surprised. Facebookers and Instagramers are constantly looking out for updated posts by the trainers. They look up to these people for inspiration and for a boost so that they can be as good as them. In short, professional fitness trainers are seen in a rather godly manner. Well-established fitness trainers nowadays hold almost the same position as cinema stars do.
It is quite clear that not everyone can make it to that position. For example, a heart patient will obviously not be able to show off a High Intensity Interval Training workout as well as Shaun T does. But for those without any genuine medical issue, the world is your playground! You only get as far as you want to go when it comes to pushing yourself through a workout. A line often quoted by fitness trainers, “Fitness is less physical and more mental”.

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